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Welcome to MABLab!

We are interested in the behaviour and physiology of marine animals and trying to understand why these animals behave in particular ways, and what environmental or intrinsic processes drive these behaviours.

In particular we focus on personalities and coping styles to explain behaviour in marine animals. For example, we're currently exploring the distribution of beadlet anemones within the intertidal and trying to determine why different morphotypes within the same species live on different parts of the shore and display different personalities.

We aim to use this research to address questions in ecology and conservation, and to understand how these animals may adjust to a changing environment. 

If you are interested in joining the lab, then please get in touch!

(And the site is still somewhat under construction; please bear with us!)


Find out more about who we are and what we're interested in.


What do we do and where do we do it?



Click here for a (hopefully) up-to-date list of publications of work from this lab. 



We are scientists based at the University of Liverpool who work on behaviour and physiology 

Our research focus spans a variety of topics; whilst we mainly work on marine animals we also have worked with freshwater/estuarine species. All of these can be used to answer our research questions, which concentrate on the behavioural and physiological mechanisms which underlie how individuals respond to their environment, and which may explain why we find them where we do. A particular focus is the littoral (intertidal) since here we find a really interesting environmental gradient which happens to induce distinct zonation (perhaps the most clear example). Organisms on the shore are positioned by their tolerance to the environment as well as how they interact with each other - a fantastic habitat to explore behaviour an just shot spatial scales, with interesting temporal dynamics occurring over hours, weeks or months.


Department of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences

School of Environmental Sciences

University of Liverpool

L69 3GP

jthomson [at] liverpool [dot] ac [dot] uk

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